
Track Chairs : Juan Pan

The Apache Incubator provides services to projects (called “podlings”) that want to enter the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). This track will share the experience and pointers about the incubator journey, which will help you learn more about the Apache style of governance and operation, how projects enter incubator and graduate to become a TLP. Besides, it is introduced that more knowledge on how to build an active and diverse open source community, and how to be aligned with Apache regulations.


13:30 GMT+8 Apache Pegasus(incubating) - A distributed key-value storage system English Session Yuchen He, Shuo Jia

14:10 GMT+8 ByteDance distributed graph database based on brpc in practice Chinese Session 李磊

14:50 GMT+8 The Failures to Success Stories of Apache Dolphin Scheduler English Session Wei Guo

15:30 GMT+8 Apache NLPCraft - Breaking Years Of Dogma in NLP English Session Aaron Radzinski, Nikita Ivanov


13:30 GMT+8 Teaclave: a secure and easy-to-use privacy computing platform Chinese Session Mingshen Sun

14:10 GMT+8 The incubator journey of Apache APISIX Chinese Session Ming Wen

14:50 GMT+8 Apache DolphinScheduler:How to grows to be a healthy and sustainable community in the incubator Chinese Session Gang Li

15:30 GMT+8 Apache MXNet 2.0: Towards Synergistic ML and DL with Standardization English Session Sheng Zha

16:10 GMT+8 EventMesh: Event-Driven Distributed Application Runtime Chinese Session Eason Chen